The rapid expansion of cities in the 21st century is a cause for concern. More worrisome is the uncontrolled expansion of urban areas in the cities of developing countries and the associated housing and infrastructure deficit. Third world urbanization is associated with unplanned development at the periphery of cities, thus engendering unapproved land use and land cover changes. The aim of the study is to assess urban sprawl and infrastructure condition in peri-urban neighbourhoods of Minna. The data employed for this study were primary and secondary sources. The primary data were quantitative using structured questionnaire. A total of 390 residences were systematic random sampled from four (4) peri-urban neighbourhoods in Minna. The study revealed that all the selected peri-urban neighbourhoods exhibited significant level of urban sprawl between 1990 to 2020. The study found that four (4) factors are responsible for urban the growth of the neighbourhoods. The four factors had Eigenvalue >1 and contributed a total of 50.897% cumulative variance, these four factors are economic (17.874%), transportation (11.722%), housing preference (11.174%) and urbanization (10.128%). The study found infrastructure condition; educational, telecommunications and commercial rank 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively with mean scores between 2.50 to 3.49, Water supply, access road, electricity supply and health rank 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th respectively with mean scores between 1.50 - 2.49, Drainage and recreational rank 8th and 9th respectively with mean scores between 1.00 – 1.49. The study therefore recommends that, the peri-urban areas in Minna are increasingly experiencing growth, therefore participatory planning approach in managing the areas and providing city wide infrastructure and improving on the existing ones are required for effective development of the neighbourhoods.